Statement on Belonging
The Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State acknowledges the role of institutional and societal discrimination in leading to the historical and current underrepresentation of minoritized groups (discrimination by race), women and gender minorities (discrimination by gender), and the economically disadvantaged (discrimination by economic class) in our field, and in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields more generally. We condemn all forms of discrimination, and we embrace the responsibility to ensure that our department is equitable, inclusive, and welcoming for everyone. Unique backgrounds, viewpoints, and personal experiences foster creativity and innovation, thus driving the advancement of science. Our department is committed to addressing societal needs in our research, teaching, and outreach, and to ending structural discrimination of all types within our organization.
We endorse statements on belonging by Penn State and acknowledge that our university exists on native lands.
Additional resources are available here:
College of EMS DEI Resources
Penn State Information for Reporting Wrongdoing
College of EMS Student DEI Resources
Committee on Belonging
The Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Committee on Belonging is charged with providing actionable guidance to the department head and faculty on ways to make everyone (students, post-docs, non-tenure line faculty, staff, and tenure-track faculty) in the department feel that they belong; and to keep an open ear and heart for those individuals who feel isolated or unwelcome and to guide the department in helping these individuals. The committee works closely with the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Associate Dean for Educational Equity to support similar efforts within the College.
Members of the Committee on Belonging:
- Amber DeCosmo
- Jenni Evans
- Jose Fuentes (Co-Chair)
- Sukyoung Lee
- Lan Lewis
- Jon Nese
- Natasha Miles (Co-Chair)